The Purpose of Trials Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You
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As we begin our study tonight in James chapter 1, you might open your bible to that wonderful section of scripture that is filed with so much hope for those of us who go through trouble. While you are doing that, I want to share a letter with you. A couple of week ago someone called me on the phone in our church and said, I wonder if you could make a phone call for us to a brother-in-law who just had a terrible tragedy in his life. And I said, I would be happy to do that. So I called.
When he picked up the phone, responded, I said, hi, this is John McArthur in California, he was Colorado. And he was stunned for a moment, because he had been listening to the radio and the tapes but had not met me personally, to my knowledge anyway, and said, I can’t believe this. I can’t believe you called me. I’m sitting here at the table writing you a letter. And the letter came and in the middle of the letter, right in the middle of it, it says, wow, praise God, this is where you called me.
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